Mac Format 1996 April
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*chipmunk-basic-29b5-ppc.hqx README*
Every *real* personal computer should come with a BASIC interpreter.
Here's my contribution for the new Power Macintosh machines. It's a
line number based BASIC interpreter similar to the BASIC that came
with the Apple ][+ (that's Apple ][, *NOT* Mac II for you newcomers).
Version 2.9b5 is a fat binary that runs on both Power Macs and 68k Macs.
Chipmunk Basic is a simple Basic interpreter for the Macintosh. It is
similar to the line number based MumbleSoft BASIC interpreters of circa
1980. Its roots are from a pascal program, basic.p, that was part of
the test input suite to p2c, a pascal to c translator. Both basic.p
and p2c should be in the net.sources archives somewhere (I no longer
have copies). I cleaned up the translated source, ported it to the Mac
and added some Mac specific features.
Chipmunk Basic 2.9 is being distributed as freeware (but only for those
who don't believe that using the BASIC language causes brain damage. :-)
Please note that there are far better versions of BASIC available
commercially. Just none that run PowerPC native and were available for
the Mac as of March 14th. It's not very fast as BASIC systems go. But
it does run 110 to 150 times faster on a PowerMac 7100/66 than Microsoft
BASIC 1.0 did on the original Mac 128. Have fun. And please email any
bugs reports.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; not even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
2.9b0 first native PowerPC port.
2.9b2 virtual memory crash bug fixed.
2.9b4 fat binary.
2.9b5 allows color Picts to be copied.
Quick Reference for Chipmunk Basic v2.9 - PPC Macintosh version 94-Mar-14
ported by Ronald H. Nicholson, Jr. rhn@netcom.com
- The interpreter includes an old fashioned line number based editor.
- The usual amount of numeric and string operators and functions and
file I/O statements are available.
- The two variable types are long floats and strings with a maximum length
of 254 characters. Variable names can be up to 32 characters long and
are case insensitive.
- Unusual features include:
The ability to play accurate morse code through the sound manager.
Some simple graphics commands in a separate graphics window.
Operator, functions and statements include:
+ - * / ^ mod and or xor not
sqr() log() exp() abs() sgn() sin() cos() tan() log() arctan()
int() rnd() peek() val() asc() len() fre
mid$() right$() left$() str$() chr$()
let goto gosub return for to step next while wend dim data read def
rem input print open input# output append as close# load save run
inkey$ date$ time$
timer eof() peek() poke
stop end exit quit renum new
moveto lineto gotoxy graphics() mouse() cls sound morse
Some Examples:
open "filename" for output as #1 : print #1, a$ : close #1
c$ = a$ + b$ : rem string concatenation
graphics(0) : moveto 10,10 : lineto 110,80 : rem graphics window
gotoxy 0,10 : print "here" : rem text window
sound 440,0.5,30 : rem freq, seconds_duration, vol 0-100
sound 0,128 : rem play snd resource 128
morse "CQ DE N6YWU",16,40,13,700 : rem dot_wpm,vol,letter_wpm,freq
open "SFGetFile" for input as #2 : rem "SFPutFile" works for output
some experimental graphics commands:
(The graphics commands in version 2.9b are beta test and may be buggy.)
GRAPHICS 0 // init graphics window
graphics MOVETO x,y // MoveTo
graphics LINETO x,y // LineTo
graphics OVAL x,y // oval x wide by y high
graphics DRAWTEXT a$ // DrawText
graphics RECT x1,y1,x2,y2 // FrameRect
graphics FILLRECT x1,y1,x2,y2,pat# // PaintRect
graphics OVAL x1,y1,x2,y2 // FrameOval
graphics FILLOVAL x1,y1,x2,y2,pat# // PaintOval
graphics PENSETUP xsize, ysize, [ mode, pat# ]
graphics COLOR i // set RGBForeColor by index
graphics COLOR r,g,b // red green blue 0-100
graphics TEXTSETUP f, s, m // font, size, mode
SPRITE n x, y, id // sprite n @ x,y using ICN# id
// n from 1 to 15, 1 in frontmost plane
sprite n UP x // sprite #n move up x pixels
sprite n DOWN x
sprite n LEFT x // move LEFT (not turn as in Logo!)
sprite n RIGHT x
sprite n TURN d // turn CCW d degrees
sprite n FORWARD x // move forward x pixels
sprite n PENUP
sprite n PENDOWN
1 rem sieve benchmark
2 t = timer
3 dim f(8194)
4 for i = 0 to 8191 : f(i) = 1 : next i
5 s = 8191
6 for i = 0 to s
7 if f(i) = 0 then goto 11
8 p = i+i+3
9 for k = i+p to s step p : f(k) = 0 : next k
10 c = c+1
11 next i
12 print c;" primes found in ";
13 t = timer-t
14 print t;" seconds"
15 end
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